Welcome to Online Calculators

A collection of online calculators for use in every day domestic and commercial use.

Area Calculators

6 calculators available

Betting Calculators

4 calculators available

Business Calculators

13 calculators available

Conversion Calculators

2 calculators available

DIY Calculators

4 calculators available

Fuel Calculators

1 calculators available

Health and Fitness Calculators

4 calculators available

Interest Calculators

3 calculators available

IT Calculators

5 calculators available

Maths Calculators

3 calculators available

Volumetric Calculators

5 calculators available

These days, we all have access to a multitude of calculators. From the very basic, to the scientific calculators with many buttons and functions.

In most houses and offices there are probably several calculators in existence. Our mobile phones have calculators on them, our PDAs have calculators on them, even some watches have calculators on them - but navigating the equipment to perform a simple addition can prove quite a challenge. Also, you can never find a calculator when you need one - we go looking for the adding machine with big orange buttons and the huge display, and by the time you have found it the sun has gone in or the LCD display has cracked!

Hence this site that puts calculators online. Bookmark this page and you will never lose your calculator again. It does not matter if the sun goes in as a calculator online is not solar powered, and we do not use an LCD display!! This site is all about being able to find the solution to a problem as quickly as possible, without necessarily knowing the maths required to do so.

We have a range of calculators to help in everyday household, commercial, educational and leisure calculations. E.g. working out VAT, imperial to metric conversions, tools for maximising betting returns, loan rates etc. The calculators have been grouped as per the categories on the left. We hope you find the calculator you are looking for within this site. If you have found the site useful, why not bookmark the site and tell everyone you know. If you have not been able to find the calculator you require, email us your suggestions and we will see if we can create one that does the job.

The calculators that appear within this site are generally coded in JavaScript, and for some calculators we will publish and freely distribute the scripts and code if you wish to incorporate them within your own website.

If you have written some online calculator scripts of your own, and would like to share them on this site drop us an email drop us an email and we will consider their publication with full credit being acknowledged to the author.